Circulation Sounds

By default, Destiny plays a sound when certain events occur in Circulation.

For all products, there are two default sounds for events or actions in Circulation:

  • All is well indicates that the action is successful.
  • Attention needed indicates that an action was unexpected or caused a block condition, and needs further attention.

For Library Manager, there are two additional sounds: Fine/Overdue and Hold/Reserve Ready.

In Check Out
  • Fine/Overdue indicates that the patron has existing fines or overdue materials.
  • Hold/Reserve Ready indicates that there is a ready hold or reserve for this patron.
In Check In
  • Fine/Overdue indicates that the copy is overdue. If you automatically create fines, Circulation assesses one.
  • Hold/Reserve Ready indicates that the incoming copy satisfies a pending hold or reserve.
    You may want to place the copy on the hold shelf and notify the waiting patron.

If more than one of these actions or events occurs at one time, Circulation plays only the first sound.

To change the preconfigured sound for any event, click Change.

You can use any .wav or .au sound file that has a maximum length of 2 seconds. Several sound files are provided that you can use.