
The copy status describes the copy's availability for circulation. Status options are:

  • Available: The copy can be circulated.
  • In Quarantine: If the district enables the quarantine option, when an item has been checked in, it will be in quarantine for a pre-set number of days.
  • In Processing: The copy is not yet available for circulation.
  • Checked Out: The copy has been checked out.
    Note: You cannot assign or change a Checked Out status in the Catalog. Transactions in Circulation change the status to or from Checked Out.
  • Loaned out: The copy has been loaned to a school outside your system or within your system when not using the ILL feature in Destiny. When the copy is returned, check it in to make it Available again.
  • Lost: The copy has been lost, either by a patron or during an Inventory.
    Note: Except for non-Consumable copies without barcode numbers, you cannot assign or change a Lost status in the Catalog. Transactions in Circulation change the status to or from Lost. Inventory can also change it to Lost.
  • On Hold: Indicates a patron has requested this copy. Depending on the request date, you may need to place the copy on the Hold Shelf and notify the requesting patron.
  • On Order: The copy has been ordered and the copy record has been created, but the copy has not been received yet. It can be checked in to make it Available.
  • Out for Repairs: The copy is being repaired or rebound. When the copy is returned, check it in to make it Available again.
  • In Transit: The copy is not yet available because it is being transferred from one site to another.


    The destination school can receive – and make Available – In Transit copies in Catalog > Update Copies >Receive sub-tab.

    If an In Transit copy already has a barcode, the destination school can just check it in or out in Circulation to receive it.