Item fields (Update Resources)

This table shows you all of the item field options for site and district.

See the Key column to determine if the option is site, district, or both.

KEY S = Site only; D = District Only; S/D = Site and District

Field Item Key Allows you to…
Condition S/D select from a predefined list of conditions.
* see note above
S/D select a new Custodian (to do so, click Select). If you are updating a Custodian, select any patron in the district.
Date Acquired S/D select the date that the item was acquired (to do so, click the Calendar icon).
District Identifier
*see note above
D enter a District Identifier. important The District ID must be unique to the district.
*see note above
S add a department (to do so click Other).
Funding Source
*see note above
S/D select from a list of defined Funding Sources. You can add, edit, or delete Funding Sources (to do so, click Other).
Home Location
* see note above
S select from a predefined list of Home Locations. You can add, edit or delete Home Locations (to do so, click Other).
Item Category
*see note above
S select from a predefine list of categories. You can add item categories (to do so, click Other).
Projected Life S/D enter the Projected Life (years) for an item.
Purchase Order S/D enter the Purchase Order (PO) of an item.
Purchase Price S/D enter an amount (currency) for an item.
Salvage Value S/D enter a salvage amount (currency) for an item.
Serial Number D enter a serial number for an item.
Status S/D select from a predefined list of statuses. You cannot change a Status to or from In Transit or On Order.

change those, you must check in any Stolen or Lost items in Circulation; you must receive any In Transit or On Order items in Transfer Resources or in Resource Orders.