Check out resources by class

Checking out resources by class allows you to check out resources for a whole class, one student at a time.

Note: When checking out to an active patron, if a message about licensing appears, you do not have the correct site licensing according to your agreement.

Important: You can only check out textbooks by ISBN on the To Patron  tab.

To checkout resources by class

  1. Select Circulation > Check Out > By Class sub-tab.
  2. Deselect the Only search checkbox.
  3. To complete the task for active patrons, select the Only Active Patrons checkbox.
  4. Make sure the cursor is in the Find field. Scan the teacher barcode. The teacher information appears in the Check Out Text page.
  5. From the Class drop-down, select the class.
  6. Make sure the cursor is in the Find field. Scan the student barcode. The student information appears in the Check Out Text page.
  7. Make sure the cursor is in the Find field. Scan the applicable textbook barcode(s). The Checked Out section reflects the textbook(s) checked out.
  8. Repeat steps 5-6 for each student in the class.
  9. To print out a circulation receipt, see Print circulation receipts.