Recommend a Title

If there is a title you think someone else might like, you can recommend it directly to them. Your recommendation appears on the patron's My Info tab when they log in.

  1. Select Catalog > Library Search.
  2. Use the Find field and search buttons to find the title.
  3. For the title you want to recommend, click Details.
  4. On the Title Details page, click Recommend.
  5. In the Find Patron field, enter the patron's name. If you do not have the whole name, enter part of it, followed by *. Do not enter a barcode number or District ID.
  6. When you see the patron in the search results list, click their name.
  7. If Enter your comments below appears, add any comments you would like to send to the patron. For example, you can explain why you are recommending the title or share your thoughts on it.
  8. Click Save.


  • You can recommend titles from your school or any other schools in your district.
  • You can only make recommendations to patrons who are at your school and who are able to log in to Destiny.
  • Your recommendation may need to be approved before it is delivered.
  • You can also recommend a title for your library to purchase using a Wish List.