Preferred Descriptive Cataloging

important: Existing MARC records are not automatically updated to Resource Description Access (RDA) standards. Catalogers can convert existing records to RDA standards one-by-one and import and create new records that comply with RDA.

For more, see Resource Description and Access (RDA), Convert an existing record to RDA and Create a new RDA record.

To change your preferred descriptive cataloging:

  1. Log in as the district user.
  2. Click District.
  3. Select Admin > Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
  4. For the Preferred Descriptive Cataloging Form, click Edit. The Preferred Descriptive Cataloging Form page appears.
  5. Select either: 
    • RDA (Resource Description Access)
    • AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules)
  6. Click Save.

Additional RDA Details

If the Preferred Descriptive Cataloging Form is RDA, you will see the these changes:

  • A Convert button appears on the Title Details and MARC View page of each AACR2 record for users with access to edit titles.
  • The tags in the MARC Editor are updated to align with RDA.
  • In the Leader, the Cataloging Form, position 18, changes from a = AACR2 to i = ISBD punctuation included.
  • An 040 tag appears, with rda in _e. The _e is repeatable.
  • A 264 tag appears in place of the 260 tag. Depending on the information in the 260, there might be more than one 264 tag.
  • The 336, 337, and 338 tags appear, containing content appropriate for the material type. These fields were added to Library Manager v10.0. If you need to change the content, you can select the subfield content from lists. There is no free form text entry for these fields.
  • The Easy Editor is updated to align with RDA. The RDA Types sub-tab allows you to manage the 336, 337, and 338 tags. This sub-tab appears for any RDA record, even if your district did not select RDA as the preferred form.
  • On the Title Details page, the information in the 336, 337, and 338 tags moves from the Additional Info section to the Publication Info section.

Tags for RDA Preference

The following RDA bibliographic tags, added in Library Manager v10.0, have been added to the templates for customers who prefer the RDA cataloging form. These three tags contain complete words instead of codes or abbreviations that more fully describe the content, media, and carrier:

336 tag, RDA Content Type (R), expands on the Form of Item, position 6 of the Leader/06.

337 tag, RDA Media Type (R), expands on the Category of material, position 00 of the 007, Physical Description.

338 tag, RDA Carrier Type (R), expands on the Specific material designation, position 01 of the 007, Physical Description. Catalogers can define carrier characteristics further in these 344, 345, 346, and 347 tags.

note: If you selected RDA but do not see any changes in the Catalog > Add Title > Edit Templates sub-tab. When opening the MARC Editor, however, the Leader is updated, the 245_h is gone, the 260 is gone, and the 264, 336, 337, and 338 tags appear.

When a cataloger begins to create a record, selecting the material type, and subtype if necessary, Destiny enters the appropriate content as shown below. The cataloger can change the content by selecting from the list provided. For these fields, there is no free-form text entry.

The other rules are as follows:

  • The 336 and 338 are mandatory; the 337 is optional.
  • All three tags are repeatable.
  • Both indicators are undefined for all three tags.

Here are the default values for each material type:

Artifact Mixed Material

336 # # _a three-dimensional form _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a object _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a other _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unspecified _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a unspecified _2 rdacarrier

Book Music (printed)

336 # # _a text _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a volume _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a notated music _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a sheet _2 rdacarrier

Computer File Picture, Study Print, Photograph, Chart

336 # # _a computer program _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a computer _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a computer disc _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a still image _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a other _2 rdacarrier

Electronic Book (eBook) Sound Recording (musical)

336 # # _a text _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a computer _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a online resource _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a performed music _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a audio _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a audio disc _2 rdacarrier

Equipment Sound Recording (nonmusical)

336 # # _a three-dimensional form_2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a object _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a spoken word _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a audio _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a audio disc _2 rdacarrier

Kit Serial

336 # # _a other _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unspecified _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a unspecified _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a text _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a volume _2 rdacarrier

Manuscript Language Material Video

336 # # _a text_2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a volume _2 rdacarrier

336 # # _a two-dimensional moving image _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a video _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a videodisc _2 rdacarrier

Maps, Globes and Atlases Notes:

336 # # _a cartographic image _2 rdacontent

337 # # _a unmediated _2 rdamedia

338 # # _a volume _2 rdacarrier

# indicates a blank indicator

_ indicates a subfield

"Unmediated" indicates that no device is required for access.