View Shipments

On the View Shipments page, you can view information about shipments for an order.

Process an Order

District users can use the View Shipments page to view and process incoming orders. For steps, see Process an Order (Warehouse).

Reprint a Packing List

  1. As a district user, select Catalog > Resource Orders > Track sub-tab.
  2. In the Shipments section, find the shipment and click the Print Packing List icon, Print packing list icon.. The Report Manager page appears.
  3. Find the packing list, and then click View. A PDF of the packing list appears.
  4. Save or print the PDF.

Manage Shipments

Site users can use the View Shipments page to start receiving items from a shipment. For steps, see Manage Shipments (Site).

Add or View Notes

For steps to add or view a note, see Add or View Note.

Note: You can only add eSignatures notes with the Follett Destiny® VersaScan or the Destiny Back Office app.

View Resource Details

To view details about a resource item in the order, click the name of the item.

Note: On some pages, you must click Show More to see a clickable link for the resource item.

The Resource Details page for the item of interest appears.