Manage Backorders (Warehouse)

Cancel a Backorder

Note: Only a district-level user who can Access the District Warehouse can cancel backorders.
  1. Select Catalog > Resource Orders > Track sub-tab.
  2. In the BackOrder section, find the order.
    • Click View Shipments icon.. On the View Shipments page click This order has backordered items.
    • Click View order, items available icon..
  3. On the Order Details page click Edit.The Backorders page appears.

    Back Orders page.

  4. In the # to Cancel field, enter the quantity of backordered items you want to cancel.
  5. Click Save.

    Note: Click Cancel to exit the page without saving any changes.

    Destiny returns you the Order Details page.

Add or View Notes

Click the Add/View Note View or Add Note icon link. For steps to add or view a note, see Add/View Note.

Note: You can only add eSignatures notes with the Follett Destiny® VersaScan or the Destiny Back Office app.

View Resource Details

To view details about a resource item in the order, click the name of the item.

Note: On some pages, you must click Show More to see a clickable link for the resource item.

The Resource Details page for the item of interest appears.