Individual Update Tab (Resource Manager)

Use the Individual Update tab to update one or more fields in a few item records.

At the district, when multiple resources with duplicate barcodes are found, you are asked to confirm the actions being taken. Respond accordingly.

important The available item fields are dependent on your login (district - or site-level).

To update individual items

  1. If you are not on the Update Resources page, then follow the steps in the blue title bar.
  2. To update a field, use one of the Select an item field drop-downs. Repeat as needed.
  3. Depending on your selection, another drop-down appears. Select accordingly. For details of each item field, click here.

    example: You open the Individual Update tab, and select the item field Condition. Your selection prompts a new drop-down, as follows:

    From the new drop-down, you select the applicable predefined Condition.

  4. When you are done making your selections from the drop-downs, put the cursor in the Resource Barcode field and scan the applicable items barcode.
  5. To add historical notes, populate the Add historical note field. Historical notes are added to the item's permanent Transaction History.
  6. Click Update.

As each record is processed, the displayable name and barcode number appears in the Most Recently Updated section.

To verify the changes, click the barcode number of the updated item.