Manage Order Details (Warehouse)

Use the Order Details page to view shipment information, notes and resources details about an order.

It includes:

  • The order number
  • Number of eSignatures
  • Resources with shipment status

Order Details with backordered items

Manage Backorders

When items have been backordered at the warehouse, the page shows the number of items on backorder.

  • To cancel a backorder or reduce the number of items to keep on backorder, click Edit. The Backorders page appears. See Manage Backorders.

Add or View Notes

Manage Shipped Orders

Click Shipments. The View Shipments page appears. You can use it to see shipment details for the order.

Note: The eSignatures number also links to the View Shipments page.

View Resource Details

To view details about a resource item in the order, click the name of the item.

Note: On some pages, you must click Show More to see a clickable link for the resource item.

The Resource Details page for the item of interest appears.